Google on Tuesday introduced its most advanced phone to date —
the Nexus One — and opened an online store to sell it directly to consumers, taking direct aim at Apple's iPhone, The phone, available at, costs $179 with a two-year contract from T-Mobile. Similar offers will be available from Verizon Wireless and British carrier Vodafone this year.

You can buy the phone without a contract for $529. The Nexus One runs an updated version of Google's Android operating system. Built by HTC from Google's direct specifications, it has a touch-screen and a fast processor. It includes a 5-megapixel camera for video and photos, a Global Positioning System (GPS), and stereo Bluetooth connection for headphones.Among gee-whiz features: speech dictation, which lets you speak and compose e-mail messages, Twitter tweets and Facebook posts without typing.
Google has lagged Apple in the mobile market. It has tried to be a major player with Android, which it offers free to manufacturers and wireless carriers. Some 20 Android phones are available, but few, with the exception of the Verizon Droid (by Motorola), have been big sellers.
The Nexus One could change that, says Charles Golvin, an analyst at Forrester Research: "It's the best Android to date."
Apple has sold nearly 30 million phones in 100 countries. Its U.S. carrier is AT&T. On Tuesday, it said iPhone and iPod Touch owners have downloaded 3 billion applications since it launched the App Store, a marketplace for 100,000 applications that do everything from play games to translate words.