Snow Leopard: To upgrade or not to upgrade

Snow Leopard: To upgrade or not to upgrade

This is a simple question to answer: upgrade! All of the improvements should be good enough reasons to do so, but Apple has made the decision making even easier by pricing the new operating system at a ridiculously US$29.But there are some caveats here: Snow Leopard is designed for Mac Intel only, so if your system is still PowerPC based, you are out of luck. Apple also made it clear that the US$ 29 upgrade is only for Leopard, while Tiger (10.4) users should go with the US$ 169 Mac Box Set (iLife ‘09 and iWork ‘09 included).

If you’ve decided to take the chance, there are few things to do prior upgrading to Snow Leopard.You could check out with the Make Tech Easier
for detail.

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