Many sufferers from heart attack fear that lovemaking will get them over excited and put them back in hospital, or even kill them, was misguided, experts said.

The American Heart Association's conference, in Washington DC, was told that it was safe to resume sex as soon as the patient feels better and can handle moderate exercise.Doctors, the conference heard, should encourage heart attack patients that sex after an attack was minimal.
A study presented at the conference found men and women were 1.3 to 1.4 times more likely to cut down on sex after a heart attack.But the study, of more than 1,600 patients, found less than half of men and a third of women were actually were given advice from their doctor about how to resume safe sexual activity.
Prof Stacy Tessler Lindau, who led the study, said fewer than 40 per cent of men and less than one in five women spoke about sex with their physicians in the year following their heart attack.
"If you can walk up two flights of stairs or do moderate exercise, then it's OK to have sex. The likelihood of dying during sexual intercourse, even among people who have had a heart attack, is really small.
"Sexuality is an important part of life throughout life, and most heart attack patients are sexually active."
Patients who were given doctors' advice about resuming sexual activity at hospital discharge were more were 30 per cent to 40 per cent more likely to engage in such activity over the following year, it found.
Depression and mood swings are common after a heart attack and can dampen interest in sex, but this usually goes away within three months, the conference heard.
Heart attack sufferers 'should be encouraged to have more sex' for detail